Acceptable Use Policy


This document outlines what is permissible and what is prohibited on BeFanz, and it forms part of your agreement with us. Any violations of this Acceptable Use Policy may result in the removal of your Content and/or the deactivation of your account.

Terms defined within this Policy are consistent with those in our Terms of Service.

You must not use BeFanz in any way that features or facilitates:

  • Anyone under the age of 18, or anyone aged 18 or over who appears in explicit content but has not completed the BeFanz Creator onboarding process or provided a properly completed release form.

  • Illegal activities, including actual, simulated, or role-played acts such as exploitation, abuse, or harm of individuals under the age of 18; incest; bestiality; necrophilia; or rape and sexual assault.

  • Prohibited items, such as weapons or controlled substances used in a manner that may cause harm to yourself or others.

  • Discriminatory behavior, including attacking individuals based on race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, age, disability, or health conditions.

  • Abuse or harassment, including stalking, doxxing, defamation, or sharing intimate images without consent, or distributing fake or manipulated images.

  • Violence or harm, including prohibited role-play, using objects in a way that could cause physical or mental injury, lack of express consent, extreme impact, extreme bondage, or content related to suicide.

  • Prohibited bodily fluids, including urine or excrement.

  • Inaccurate or misleading content, such as false descriptions of media or account details.

  • Explicit images of others without their consent, including artificially generated images.

  • Public nudity, including explicit behavior in areas where the general public is present or where others are likely to see, including in profile avatars or header images.

  • Unauthorized cyber activity, such as spamming, sharing third-party personal information, linking to external media storage sites, or referencing off-platform sites that violate our Terms of Service; or behaving in ways that interfere with BeFanz's software, hardware, or network.

  • Copying content, such as scraping, downloading, sharing, or collecting information from BeFanz or any Creators for any reason.

  • In-person meetings, other than Creator interactions or transactions related to the platform.

  • Prohibited commercial activities, such as selling controlled or regulated items, falsely representing that BeFanz endorses your content, or violating third-party intellectual property rights.

Last updated: February 25, 2025